Enhancement Requests
- Enhancement request - Add a Scrollbar in Orchestrator 'Parameters' tab
- Enhancement: Add the option to receive email notifications when an upgrade is scheduled
- Enhancement - Add Local tasks to Local task lists without affecting Global tasklist
- Enhancement for the user message notification step logic for BSC process.
- Enhancement: Updating the User Language Settings to Deutsch for RunMyFinance
- Enhancement - Ability the task list parameters after task list submission
- Display in inbox and workbench: start date offset and deadline day offset
- Enhancement request - Security Handling in Global & Local Task Lists
- Enhancement request - Set error status manually to completed
- RECOSEVAR Variables on RMF
- Enhancement request - Info tab in workbench
- [BSC]: Disable Reject and Accept for Mass Approval or Rejection
- Enhancement: Users restart tasks in workbench
- Product enhancement - Add attachments button in Attachment tab in Workbench
- BSC change of Review Status
- Add Parameters to FCA_SAP_Tran_AS01_Asset_Create
- Enhancement: Ability to rewrite the BSC internal DB logic to include the ledger as part of the DB key and the certificate ID index table.
- Display balances based on legal entity
- Have the column chooser more clear
- BSC: Amortization rule for prepaid accounts
- Group Reporting Value in BSC, Group Currency converter
- Enhance workbench profiles by including column chooser and grouping
- Enhance VF02: Update Billing Date
- Enhancement: Clearing Doc Type - Default & set of Doc types for SAP client
- Enhancement: BSC break up table - Aging buckets - Displayed values not matching with how to read
- Create Error Message when importing orchestrator list with role-based process list owners
- Clearing via BSC screen - FB05L or FB1SL for clearing on ledger specific accounts
- Enable Period Groups on local close list
- BSC breakup table Total and Count row get sorted together with other values
- Enhancement: Extend KB21N with addition item fields