Known Issues List
- RemoteHostNameWhitelist parameter has reach is maximum length
- Known Issue: Timeout can't be change
- E XM 051 is received when Archive is set to true in SAP job
- It is not possible to use Windows Credentials Via JDBC
- Known Issue: Edit Job definition crashes while using Modern UI with Studio
- Known Issue: Azure Data Factory - Pipeline fails inside Chain
- Known Issue: RMJ: Incorrect upgrade screen
- Known Issue: SharePoint connector using Azure Connections can't overwrite a file
- Known Issue: IBP v2 SocketTimeoutException and SocketException
- Known Issue: BOBJ process server is triggered Shutdown when BOBJ system is temporary down
- Known Issue: SAP Inbound does not recognize scheduler-user role when granted indirectly
- Known Issue: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSJCS9.JCS_JOB04) violated
- Known Issue: Import errors with JCS-102250: Unexpected exception processing Process Definition Related Object <Process Definition Not Set>
- Known Issue: large increase in UI response time after upgrade
- SLA MODULE: Logic that fetches partition of old SLA installation hardcodes Application definition UniqueId
- Known Issue: Extreme big size PDF spoollist cannot be retrieved
- Known Issue: PeopleSoft monitoring component does not handle killed/disappeared jobs correctly
- Existing SAP Variant values are removed when not explicitly set
- Known Issue: SAPjob errors when trying to receive an empty spoolfile
- ServiceNow Conector: Invalid table x_rsnbv_redwood_nw_incident
- Inbound REST return 500 error to submit a process
- Unable to submit big OraApps Chain
- Vulnerabilities in Tomcat version prior to 9.0.82
- Failover of RDS results in rescheduling failure
- Promotion/import Import Rules ignored for Queue and Time Window Scheduling Parameters
- System_ProcessKeepClauses error with NullPointerException after upgrade
- Known Issue: IBP jobstatus User Error is translated to RMJ jobstatus Completed
- Known Issue: JobchainStep goes into Error while JobchainCall has status Hold
- Duplicate Key Causes Excessive DB Connections
- Known Issue: starting SAP Process server in SaaS does not validate for empty Spoolhost value