When you use the Monitor in the new RMJ UI, the items that the monitor loads take to long to load. The monitor has a maximum of 5000 items. In the old interface these are loaded almost instantly, but in the new interface, there is a notable delay in showing all the results.
Enhancement Request
To have the monitor in the new UI to be in a similar level of the old UI, currently, there is a notable difference with the old vs new monitor.
No available workaround for this issue on the new UI.
Applies To
RMJ 2024 on the New UI
Enhancement Tracking
Enhancement Update
The following changes are set to be implemented in 2024.3 or 2024.4
-Upfront/instant presentation of correctly ordered 50 items
-Infinite scroll to stream more data
-Lack of overall counter. Numbers on the Top filters only.
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