In the BSC, Status handlers have fixed sequence numbers, but the BSC template and other chains may have been modified manually and, hence, have wrong sequence numbers.
- Login into the environment.
- Check your user settings and ensure that you have the option Allow edit as XML is checked
- Edit the chain having issues e.g. "CUS_TD_BSC_OneSided_MASTER_APAR"
- Goto XML Tab
- Search for <SequenceNumber>4</SequenceNumber> where the next value shows <Status>Error</Status>
- Change the sequencenumber to 3 and save it (it shows then show something link this)
Note: Till the issue is fixed by the development team in version 2024.2.0.0, you can change the sequence number to the following if you come across a similar issue in other chains:-
- 1 for Canceled
- 2 for Completed
- 3 for Error
- 4 for Killed
- 5 for Unknown
- 6 for Other
- Once the above changes are saved in XML, Edit the chain again and update the status handler Killed to Go to End of Chain
- Save and Close.
Affected version
RunMyFinance 2024.1.0 and earlier
Fixed in 2024.2.0.0
Last updated: 9 May 2024
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Fixed in 2024.2.0.0
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