Currently its not possible to upload Root and intermediate certificates using the Redwood_SAPSNC_Tooling
The following options are available, but theres no option to upload Root and intermediate certificates.
- GL=Get Startup Logfile
- UL=Upload Zip File with SAP Crypto Library
- UC=Upload SAP Target System Certificate
- DC=Download the Current SAP Target System Certificates
- RC=Remove a Target SAP Certificate
- RL=Remove SNC
- DP=Download PSE File
- PC=Download PSE Certificate
- UP=Upload the PSE
- US=Upload Cred_v2
Enhancement Request
Provide an option to upload Root and Intermediate Certificates with Redwood_SAPSNC_Tooling.
Currently the workaround is :
1. Use Redwood_SAPSNC_Tooling to do download the PSE File (DL Option) -> <pse-file>
2. Get an Environment with sapgenpse working (eg: spoolhost)
3. Execute the command : sapgenpse import_own_cert -p <pse-file> -c <cert.crt> -r <chain.crt>
4. Use Redwood_SAP_SNC_Tooling to upload PSE File (UP)
<cert.crt> : Signed certificate by customer
<chain.crt> Both the Root and Intermediate need to be combined in one file chain.cer by concatenating the Intermediate and the Root. (Root as the last one)
Applies To
Product version 2023.3.0 (and above)
Approved - Currently no ETA
Enhancement Tracking
[ROSO-12979] - Jira (
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