You want to run a process only on the x-th Working day of the month.
Below example will create a Time Window (TW_RWSUP_Third_WorkDay) open on the 3rd workday of System_Week_WorkDays
You can then simply replace System_Week_WorkDays with your own WorkDay calendar.
- Create New Time Window (ie: TW_RWSUP_Never)
- Check the field Is Calendar
- Click Save & Close.
- Create Time Window (TW_RWSUP_Third_WorkDay)
- fill in section "Calendar day shifting":
- Is calendar: tick (yes)
- If an open day is closed during: TW_RWSUP_Never
- then shift this day: Forward
- to the: 3
- open day in: System_Week_WorkDays
- Go to Elements tab and have it open the last day of the month:
- and from the "last" "day" of the month
- and until the "last" "day" of the month
- Save and verify on the "Opens At" tab that the Time Window is as requested.
For case where you want fourth, fifth, etc... work day of the month, simply adapt the number in section "Calendar day shifting".
In case you want to have the last, second last, third last, etc... work day of the moth, change in section "Calendar day shifting" to "backward" (instead of forward) and change in the element tab to have it open on the 1st day of the month (instead of last).
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